Tuesday 20 March 2012

Why I am Catholic

As a Catholic I'm far from perfect.  And I certainly don't want to suggest my commitment to the full set of Catholic doctrines and opinions.  Or at least not those of the earthly organization that we call the Catholic Church.  But as far from perfect as I may be I am Catholic.  And that statement of faith requires some explanation, at least to myself, in the name of personal integrity.

So why am I Catholic?  There are many reasons.  I won't tackle them all here.  Only the first and main reason, namely, that the Catholic Church is the original Church, there can be only one Church, and in its nature it is the Church of everyone.  In the Catholic Church everyone finds his or her place and meaning.

To understand this though is to understand that the Catholic Church is more than just a place or organization.  It is more than just a political concept, a set of teachings, or something that we are to attend every Sunday.  The Catholic Church is these things but it is also bigger than these things.  The Catholic Church is the presence of Christ on earth, which is to say the presence of wisdom and love.  Howsoever wisdom and love express themselves in an earthly organization or Sunday service.

To be part of the Catholic Church is to be part of the body of Christ.  It is to serve our own particular function like the hand or the eye, or like that of a plumber or scientist, a mediator or consoler.  But it is to do so under the head of Christ, who is wisdom and love.  To say "I am Catholic" is to declare one's commitment, not to some earthly organization, or to the Pope in Rome, but to wisdom and love.  To the rule of wisdom and love on earth.  Or to any Pope who embodies these things...

As the presence of wisdom and love on earth there can be only one Church.  The Catholic Church is something that we can all be part of, and find meaning in, despite our differences.  What is it that St. Paul says?  "It doesn't matter if you're Greek or Jew, slave or free, male or female (gay or straight, Muslim or atheist...).  These are differences that make no difference in the body of Christ."  Our differences are not what exclude us in the sense of what keep us out, but rather in the sense of what sets us apart, and gives us a special role to play in the body of Christ.  Our differences are what make us an ear or a toe, a farmer or a doctor, a judge and even executioner.  Our differences are what give us a special power to contribute to the power and glory of wisdom and love on earth.

The very word "Catholic" says it all:  Rooted in the Greek word 'katholou' meaning 'universal' the Catholic Church is for everyone.   Everyone is called to join in and empower the cause of wisdom and love.  Everyone has a place and role to play in the Catholic Church.  No one is to be left outside.  Despite what doctrines the earthly organization might suggest.  Despite what differences may set us apart.

The Catholic Church is the union of all in the body of Christ.  It is the union of those who are part of the body of Christ.  It is the union of all those who are in the service of wisdom and love.

The Catholic Church is the original Church, and there can be only one Church.  The Church is something I find very appealing.

That is why I am Catholic.  Or try to be.

Thanks be to Job.

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